Let's optimize HotelTime on your hardware - you will find 4 steps to follow.
1. Set up to 5 favorites in Main menu.
2. Expand / Collapse Main menu tool bar.
3. Chat with us live, when you need our help.
4. Optimize / zoom page on your internet browser.
Set up to 5 favorites in Main menu
Click on Main menu - Settings - Current user - click on button Edit current user and select buttons you want to appear on Main menu. This will help you to go straigh to place in system without searching in menu tool bar.
Live chat concurrently with you work. Easy way to ask - the fastes way to resolve your requests. Go on customer support zone directly from your HotelTime. Check out, what is new on portal and be in touch with us whenever you need. Register to check your requests and add us notes, when are any updates.
Here on top of the page you will find icon to go on customer zone and chat.
Search in knowledge base by keywords.
Zoom page on your internet browser. This can be done with shotcut Ctrl + up and down arrow or go on browser settings.