An issued invoice in HotelTime can be paid using the Adyen payment terminal.


In the detail of the given document, the user proceeds in the usual way and selects the "Card" payment option in the right-hand menu of the document. (1)


In the upper right menu, the user selects the Payment by terminal option (similarly as in the billing of a reservation or a Paymaster), and the amount is automatically pre-filled from the "Amount Due" field. (2)


Subsequently, the user sends the amount to the terminal, the guest pays it, and a terminal payment is created. (3)


Finally, the document can be closed together with the terminal payment in the usual way by clicking the "Settle" button. (4)


The amount and currency for the terminal payment can be changed, just like in payments for a reservation or a Paymaster. An unlimited number of card payments can be made into a single document. The terminal payment can be combined with any other system payment (e.g., cash, etc.) in the "Payment" section.


Until the payment is closed into the invoice, it remains systemically linked to the document. For example, if the user needs to perform other activities in the system before completing step (4) and then returns to the invoice, the payment will still be attached and waiting to be closed into the document. Information about the payment's linkage to the document can also be found in the list of pending external payments in the "Target" column.



If an invoice containing a terminal payment is cancelled, the payment can be found in the list of pending external payments, and a cancellation and refund can be performed. If the payment needs to be moved, for example, to a reservation, a deposit invoice can be created from it, which can then be attached to the reservation, Paymaster, or another invoice in the usual way. A deposit invoice from the terminal payment is created by clicking on the green ticket for the given payment in the list of pending external payments.


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