Use case:  The functionality is used to send data and measure traffic for marketing purposes to Google Analytics from Libero OVE and OBE.

The function is available in version 3.0 and higher by user if the "System Settings - Online Analytics" permission is active. In version 2.x.x it is hidden and needs to be accessed from a specific application by replacing the /Settings/OnlineAnalytics.aspx part of the url.

It can be found via Settings → System → Online Settings, Online Analytics tab or Settings → System → General Settings, Online Analytics tab.

How to set:

Type: select on which page the measurement code will be inserted.

Options from DDL starting with "Reservation" are used to insert the measurement code into the OBE (Online booking engine).

Options from DDL starting with "Certificates/Gift Voucher" are used to insert the measurement code into OVE (Online voucher engine).

Text: the measurement script generated in Google Anylytics (supplied by your GA administrator) is inserted here. Only Ctrl + C/V. Do not edit anything in the code. This script is generated automatically directly in the Google Analytics client interface.

Always press "Save" after pasting it into each page. 

Beware of inserting non-valid text - there is a risk of serious damage to the application and limitation of its functionality, where the correction will be charged!

For Example