If you are using online payments within HotelTime PMS, Adyen terminal is another way of charging virtual credit cards (VCC).
Charging VCC cards via online payments
The usual way is to charge VCC with online payments in reservation detail in HotelTime:
- By manual payment. User creates this payment by clicking on the green icon and confirming the payment:
2. Part of online payments module can be automatic payments (their setting is done for specific VCC and for specific Rate codes and we recommend to consult this with customer support) which the system makes automatically.
Charging VCC cards via Adyen terminal
In case the VCC was not delivered from your channel manager to HotelTime (or the manual/automatic payment did not go through), it is possible to use Adyen payment terminal. You will need details of the VCC, which should be provided to you by issuer of the VCC (Booking, HotelBeds, Expedia, etc.).
How to charge the VCC with Adyen terminal
1. In reservation detail in Credit cards section, click on Payment by terminal:
2. Check the MOTO transaction option and click on Pay (or Pay and create deposit invoice) which sends the payment to Adyen terminal
3. Follow the instructions on the terminal to make the payment.
4. If you did not use the Pay and create deposit invoice option, create the Deposit invoice manually.
The payment can also be done in the Settlement section, top right corner:
The procedure is the same as in the first case.