Individual screens can be variably set for optimal work with POS. To facilitate work with setting screens, we recommend using the option of inserting a screen template, into which you can insert, for example, system commands that are repeated in screens.
Depending on the type of screen, it is also possible to insert individual buttons. For the screen type "Places" and "PDA - Places", only set places in the Outlets are offered, for other types it is possible to enter recipes, system commands and more.
We will edit the buttons and screen in a few steps.
1. POS - Outlets.
2. Outlet detail, icon .
A) For button editing we click on icon .
B) We edit the buttons as needed.
Colour – color scale for button differentiation, extension of the existing color scale can be done in the main menu tab of the Vento system administration Settings - System - Color palet.
Type – type of button, see below.
Button types for other types of screens are:
Recipe – selecting this type will offer a window for manually searching for a recipe in the system.
Recipe list – by selecting this type, the recipe categories in the system will be offered, according to the category also then a specific calculations.
Screen – By selecting this type, the sites entered into the system and according to them specific screens will be offered. The sale of recipes from the screen of another location is always governed by the set parameters in the location where the user is logged in.
Add screen – By selecting this type, it is possible to insert a new screen into the outlet without having to return to the outlet.
Add table – selecting this type will offer all inserted tables in the outlet.
Widget – Selecting this type will offer tools for controlling marked items - current transaction, actual account details and inserting a numeric keyboard.
System command – selecting this type will offer a list of available system commands.
Payment – selecting this type will allow you to enter created types of payment in the system.
Key – selecting this type of button offers the insertion of individual keys such as numbers and letters of the alphabet.
Modifier – selecting this type will offer modifiers in the system. Modifiers are used to modify the price or stock quantity of marked items (e.g.half portions, take away, discount).
Name of button – button name.
Button description - own brief description.
Save – pressing the Save button saves the entered parameters to the system.
Back to outlet detail – pressing the Back button returns the user to the previous page without saving the entered values.
Iconallows you to move or resize the button within the screen (you can place it again by clicking the cursor in a free field in the screen grid).
IconUsed to delete the button from the screen.
Iconcloses the button control panel.
Iconallows you to move to a template.
Edit screen header – edit screen header, e.g. name, screen type, grid dimension, etc.
Back to outlet detail – will allow you to return to the outlet page.
C) To edit the screen, select in the outlet detail by clicking on the icon