How to enter the discount on bill correctly? There are several ways to go through them.

The condition for applying discounts is the recipes, checkbox - active option in the Recipes Detail- Discountable. The discount can be applied only once in the system (with the exception of applying the Modifier), the discount from the discount is not allowed. Applying discounts is possible via ePOS.

Types of discounts in Vento:

  1.      Payment discount
  2.      Discount from the recipes using the price level
  3.      Discount from the recipes using the settings of permanent / employee accounts
  4.      Discounts from the recipes using the defined discount in the Vento address book
  5.      Modification of recipes with price adjustment

1. Discount from payment

Main menu tab ePOS Waiter groups - Editing via pencil icon - Individual discount / Predefined discounts 

The discount is deducted from the total amount and is applied with payment.

Filtering of discounted receipts is possible in the tab Main menu Reportings - Bill and account list.

2. Discount from the recipes using the price level

Main menu tab Settings - Price levels

The discount is deducted from the items after sending the order to the ePOS - it uses the price level setting either a% discount or uses a specific sales price from the Recipes setting.

Filtering of sold recipes is possible according to the time period of the day in the tab Main menu Reportings - Selling overview - in the filter conditions Select time period of the day.

3. Discount from the recipes using the settings of permanent / employee accounts

Main menu tab Reportings - Bill and account list - Permanent accounts / Employee accounts.

The discount is deducted when transferring to a permanent account / employee account - it uses the% discount in the price adjustment section: discount when creating / editing an account.

To view the converted recipes Reportings - Bill and account list - Permanent accounts / Employee accounts - select a specific account.

4. Discounts from the recipes using the defined discount in the Vento address book

Main menu tab Address book - Persons / Companies - profile detail - section ePOS.

The discount is deducted from the items when paying via Discount - Discount from the address book. By selecting a person, the discount will be applied. Then it is necessary to select the method of payment of the account.

Uses % discount setting from ePOS section in person's profile.

5. Modification of recipes with price adjustment

Main menu tab : Recipes - Modifiers 

The created modifier must be inserted into the screen, the screen template is most often used. For the purposes of the discount, the modifier is used very rarely, it is more of an alternative, if none of the previous types suits the customer.

The recipes can be modified by adding the absolute price or multiplying (0.1 represents 10% of the price; 0.5 represents 50% of the price)

The modifier is applied by selecting the recipes and then clicking on the modifier in the ePOS screen. The most common use in terms of discount is to use the Modifier Correction (multiply the price -1, quantity -1) for cases where it is necessary to modify the account locked in the closing and create a corrective receipt.

Filtering sales by recipes with the applied modifier is possible Reportings - Selling overview - section Filtering recipes Modifier.