After logging into HT, all users will see the "Homepage" , which serves as a signpost to other parts of the system. At the same time the "Homepage" button has been added to the main left menu and users can access the homepage from anywhere. We have also removed the option to expand the main menu to an "expanded" text version (previously it was an arrow above the settings button).

Users who had any homepage set in their user profile will have a link to that page listed as either the first item in "My Favorites" or "Trending Reports". If the user had set any dashboard homepage, both "My Favorites" and "Trending Reports" will have the default set see below or the set that the local admin of the establishment has set to a specific group of users (detail below). 

Dashboards have a separate section on homepage, so the user can click on them at any time. For trending reports, the assigned user permissions are displayed when editing a set of reports.

Default sets:


The greeting to the user varies according to the time of the application (4-12 a.m. "Good morning" / 12-18h p.m. "Good afternoon / 18 p.m.- 4 a.m. "Good evening).

My favorites can be set by the user directly on homepage independently of the favorites from the user account settings using the edit pencil.

Trending reports can be set systemically at the user group level in Settings > Classification management > System user groups by clicking on the star widget. To set up group and individual trending reports, you need to have the "User Groups > Trending Reports" permission active.

My history is saved for a specific user on a specific PC and in a specific browser and can be deleted by clicking the cross next to the section heading.

On homegape we will display system notifications.  You can see what the notifications will look like in the screenshot at the top of this article. One notification can always be "critical" and will be displayed in the top bar. In this bar it will be displayed in all parts of the system. Other notifications are sorted to the bottom of the homepage in "System notifications" and are not displayed on other pages.