Create new stock items in system is necessary for other work and for creating new recipes.

The way how to create a new stock item:

1. In menu Stock items - New stock item.

2. There you can fill at least, it is recommended: code, name, stock unit, category, supplier.

We recommend to use basic units - kg, litres, pieces.

3. Save - after stock item is saved, it´s not possible to change unit of measure.

Tip: Did you know, that you can directly create a new sell recipe - You can use it e.g. with Coca-Cola, that item will be also recipe Coca-cola. From stock item detail, you can create it by one click.

Code – Is filled in automatically from the name. It's actually short for stock item, some customers fill in the stock item number for better orientation in orders.

Name – Stock item name.

VAT charge – If you are registering a stock value without VAT and with VAT, fill in the VAT entries at the time of purchase.

Item state – Stocked / ordered / on the way.

Gross to net weight – For cases where stock item have yet to be processed. E.g. meat, where skin or bones are removed. In this case, the net weight is e.g. 70% - when 30% removed is waste.

Main stock – Default storage for stock item.

Stock unit – Select the stock item unit carefully, because it can not be later changed after saving. We recommend using the default units pieces, liters, pounds ,kg.

Stock warning – In the storage state, you can filter such stock items to facilitate procurement.

Category – We recommend that you assign a category of stock item.

Purchase price – Depends on how the inventory price is calculated, but it is usually added automatically when the first receipt is inserted. For customers who do not have automatic inventory price calculation turned on, they can fill in the value manually.

Reference price – Can be filled in if you want to fill in a fixed value in the new receipt. In the system settings it is possible to select the prefilling price of the stock item for the new receipt: by the last receipt / average purchase price / reference price.

Properties – You can insert a variation of properties in stock item that you can create in the system. Producer – You can choose name of producer.

Supplier – You can choose name of supplier.

Expiration time – Information, estimated shipping time of stock item on the part of the producer/ supplier.

Weight – Information about weight.

Barcode – Barcode allows you to quickly store the stock items using a barcode reader.

EAN code – EAN is a European barcode for fast stocking of stock items using a barcode reader.

Note – Information you need to add to stock item.