Recipe is a calculation of all stock items used for specific meal. Recipes appear on ePOS display as buttons, where can be sold. Here is a procedure, how to add new recipe to the backoffice. To insert recipe as button on ePOS, please follow on ePOS set-up procedures.

Entering a new recipe you can do in several steps, which are described below, including description of the individual buttons.

To create a new recipe:

1. New recipe you can enter in menu Recipes - New recipe.

2. Fill in the header and click on Create recipe.

Code - Enter the recipe code here (it is not necessary to enter it if you do not want to use it).

Name - Enter a name for the new recipe here.

Order type - Select the order type here. The type of order is, for example, Bar, Kitchen and it is related to the stock from which the stock items are deducted when selling the recipes and to which printer the tickets are printed.

VAT rate - Enter the percentage VAT rate of the sale here. Did you know that you can change your VAT rate with a modifier, for example? This will be ideal for selling items, wchich are in different VAT rates.

Portion count - Enter the number of portions here, it is related to the insertion of stock items into the recipe. Normally for drinks, the number of portions is 1, for meals, the calculation of stock items is usually entered into 10 portions - the system then subtracts the quantity corresponding to one portion from the stock when selling one portion of the calculation (even if the calculation of ingredients is 10 portions).

Selling price - Selling price.

Alternative prices - Several prices can be set, if the recipe will be sold, for example, at a lower price at "happy hours", the prices can be defined in this way in advance. These are set in the Price levels.

Create recipe - Pressing the "Create recipe" button will create a new recipe and move the user to the 2nd step of creating the recipe, which is described on the picture below.

3. Fill in the stock items or recipes that the recipe contains. 

You can choose, if you want to add other recipe in it or stock items. In our case, we are combining all in one to create one portion.

Foodcost - This is a percentage of costs relative to the selling price.

Portion count - How many portions the recipe is calculated for.

Price for portion - The standard price defined in the first step can be adjusted here.

Total expense - The sum of all stock items and recipes within the recipe.

Portion expense - This is a cost per 1 portion.

Add - You can add stock items or all recipes.

Code/name - Name or code of item you want to add.

Stock amount - The required amount of stock items from the stock for a given recipe.

Net weight and Gross to net weight - The net quantity of the stock item in absolute value for a given recipe in relation to the quantity removed from storage. It is usually based on the settings of the stock items, but you can also determine here how much the net weight of the stock item is after processing (boning, cleaning and so on).

Note - You can insert any note.

Toolbar on the right:

Edit Header - Returns to the first step when entering a recipe.

Allergens - You can enter a list of allergens for a given recipe. Put allergens in the stock items and thus the allergens contained in the recipes will be displayed in the recipes according to the contained stock items. You can then print the list of recipes and give them a preview for your guests.

Add recipe stock items - You can add stock items from other recipe.

Copy recipe - Copies the current recipe and opens a window with the first step of pasting the recipe. It is used to speed up work.

Operation history - List of edits to the recipe (what, who and when modified the recipe, etc.).

Back - Returns one step back to the list of recipes.

Stock item list - Preview of stock items in recipe.

Recipe file - You can upload file(image, folder, etc.).

Print detail of recipe - Prints the recipe.

Export PDF - Export recipe to pdf format.

Change item order - Allows any sorting of items in the recipe.

Sort items alphabetically - Sort items alphabetically.

Sort items chronologically - Sort items by date added to the recipe .